My Design Obsession
Culture, Life Hack, Lifestyle, Minimalism, Technology, Travel Richard Bakare Culture, Life Hack, Lifestyle, Minimalism, Technology, Travel Richard Bakare

My Design Obsession

Great design can be applied to yourself as well. Every decision factors into how we design the experience of our lives. Whether we create or just consume. What are commute will be, or how our weekends will flow, or what our morning routine will be. We can sketch out truly meaningful and interesting lives when we apply careful reflection on past experiences and emotions and an eye on the bigger picture.

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Please Don't Pet My Dog
Culture, Lifestyle Richard Bakare Culture, Lifestyle Richard Bakare

Please Don't Pet My Dog

We get a lot of nice compliments about our dog whenever we're out with her. From how disciplined she is, to how well she walks off of the leash. Onetime, she sat perfectly still on the porch of a local brewery while I was inside getting a beer. People around were kind of in disbelief. Most of this behavior comes from a consistency we've built up during our walks and training of her.

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SmartScaping (Xeriscaping)
Culture, Lifestyle, Minimalism Richard Bakare Culture, Lifestyle, Minimalism Richard Bakare

SmartScaping (Xeriscaping)

From middle school through high school I routinely cut yards to make extra money in addition to managing our own landscape. This was miserable work under Georgia's hot summer sun. After high school I swore that I would avoid owning a home which required any kind of lawn maintenance. This was an easy goal initially. We lived in condos and apartments which meant no landscape duties for me. Then we bought our first home together after moving back from California.

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Puerto Rico - A Travel Guide

Puerto Rico - A Travel Guide

This was a destination wedding trip. We have also had a long time desire to see the United States Territory of Puerto Rico which comes from a scene in one of our favorite movies. Arecibo was the backdrop for one of the early parts of the movie Contact. So, we've always been intrigued to learn more about the island.

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Hilton Head
Culture, Lifestyle, Travel Richard Bakare Culture, Lifestyle, Travel Richard Bakare

Hilton Head

Since the very first time I went, I have had a great love for Hilton Head Island in South Carolina. It's a beautiful place with expansive sandy beaches paired with warm ocean waters. My wife and I got married there and have spent many summer days there, soaking in the sun and finding peace in its serenity. Whether traveling in a small or big group, there is a place in Hilton Head for everyone.

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Vancouver - A Travel Guide
Culture, Lifestyle, Travel Richard Bakare Culture, Lifestyle, Travel Richard Bakare

Vancouver - A Travel Guide

Vancouver is hands down one of the most beautiful and well planned cities I have ever been to. It has a pedestrian and bike first design. In fact I would say it is the most accessible city I have been to for anyone needing wheelchair or similar access. I can't imagine staying indoors in such a thoughtful city. While out, you can visit many of the seaside sights, catch a boat race, sail, fly in a seaplane, or head to the mountains for hiking and snow sports. I am surprised not more people know about and visit Vancouver. It's geographic position, probably has a lot to do with it.

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Intentionally Buying a Bigger Home
Culture, Lifestyle, Minimalism Richard Bakare Culture, Lifestyle, Minimalism Richard Bakare

Intentionally Buying a Bigger Home

An unfocused, noisy, and cluttered home can be physical representations of what is going on in your head. Even if functionally productive, under the hood, the mind may be in complete chaos and the immediate surroundings often reflect that.Over the years, I’ve worked on clearing and focusing my mind. My interests and passions have narrowed but those that remain are stronger. Minimalism has been key in that process and helped define a vision for how I would like the home I live in to breathe and feel. Sparsely decorated rooms and surfaces have become canvasses where my ideas can grow and evolve within them.

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Hacking Your Way to No Car in Atlanta
Culture, Life Hack, Lifestyle, Travel Richard Bakare Culture, Life Hack, Lifestyle, Travel Richard Bakare

Hacking Your Way to No Car in Atlanta

For this follow up post, I am sharing some ideas for getting to the same state that we are in. Or even down to just one car in a multi-person household. First off, there is no perfectly balanced equation for everyone. You will have to adjust the levers of what you are willing to pay on housing and other items in order to make living in Atlanta without a car workable. I sincerely hope these ideas help a lot of people get out of their cars. Atlanta's traffic situation is getting progressively worse. The downstream impacts of that congestion have not even fully materialized.

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