Living in Atlanta Without a Car
The future of transportation is not going to be about the car. Even where cars will still be used, they will most likely be run autonomously. Georgia is getting ahead of the game and passed a law that puts in the framework to build out autonomous vehicle lanes, parking spaces, and more. Moreover, groups like Advance Atlanta, the Atlanta BeltLine, Georgia Commute Options, and many more are coming up with When it comes to regional transit, Hyperloop is stepping in to connect regional cities. Routes are being planned that could revolutionize travel and commuting as a whole. Theoretically, you could live in one state and commute to work in another daily and in under 30 minutes to one hour. Ultimately, we may add a scooter and a motorcycle with sidecar to are vehicle options.

High and Low Entropy
Physicist and Cosmologist, Sean Carroll. TED Talk where he discussed the concept of Entropy. I look at a lot of systems this way. Trying to work backwards to a low Entropy model from a high Entropy state. First, I should define entropy. Secondly, I should explain why I find this law so interesting, as it relates to culture, politics, and everyday living. Lastly, I will expound on how I try to control entropy in my own life.

The Short Answer
Tantum sed Copiosus. I first heard this phrase as a Sophomore English student at Oglethorpe from my then Department Advisor. It roughly translates to, "of the right size and quality." He was referring to how I should construct my papers. That no matter what length is assigned, every word and citation should be pregnant with the weight of contemplation and creativity. I am still working to master this approach.

Five Days in Wine Country
My wife and I have had the great fortune of being able to visit wine country in Northern California over a dozen times. On this latest trip I decided it’s time to document my best tips and advice for getting the most out of your own Napa/Sonoma trip. I hope you enjoy and find this guide useful.
Spain - A Travel Guide
This post is a recap of a recent trip to Spain that I took with my wife. I've tried to put together a scrapbook and guide that catalogs and combines my own research before going, experiences during our stay, and recommendations from friends who've also visited Spain. I hope this list of places to stay, see, and dine at comes in handy to you if you are considering a trip to the Iberian peninsula. I am only going to cover the more popular areas of the country. I hope to make a return trip in the future to explore the Basque region, Canary Islands, and more. I would also love to come back and watch the Running of the Bulls in mid-summer.