The Context Variable
Culture, Lifestyle Richard Bakare Culture, Lifestyle Richard Bakare

The Context Variable

Gradients of Difference are at the core of learning and communication. I am older than you, I know more, I have seen more, I look different, I speak differently, or I think differently. Every interaction with someone else, familiar or unfamiliar, involves some level of difference that fuels the transfer of information from one person to another. Context is the equalizing medium, that pushes our dissimilarities to the background and pulls a peaceful conversation to the front. Without context, misunderstandings brew and a productive discussion becomes a pointless debate.

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North Georgia Wine Trail
Culture, Lifestyle, Travel Richard Bakare Culture, Lifestyle, Travel Richard Bakare

North Georgia Wine Trail

This is a scene, a peaceful start to the day, that can be drawn as the backdrop of many regions from the east coast to the west. This particular visage is of the lower Blue Ridge area just north of Dahlonega. We stayed in a setting just like this recently. A quick reset to take advantage of a holiday weekend. Just over an hour’s drive from Atlanta and relatively inexpensive. Our expectations were not high and we had not been back to the area in nearly a decade.

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Differential Privacy & Ethics in ML
Culture, Lifestyle, Technology Richard Bakare Culture, Lifestyle, Technology Richard Bakare

Differential Privacy & Ethics in ML

The dilemma we face in data privacy is determining how does the distribution of control over the models work and what is the correct balance of legislation and counter measures that can be used to control misuse? In a world where greed is the norm, we need to assume that the data of the lower classes will be used against and in favor of them.

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Dry and Veggie January Reflections
Culture, Life Hack, Lifestyle, Minimalism Richard Bakare Culture, Life Hack, Lifestyle, Minimalism Richard Bakare

Dry and Veggie January Reflections

We decided to participate in Dry January and added on a Vegetarian (not Vegan) only diet for the start of the year. Another idea we discussed was also cutting out coffee, but two changes were more than enough. We did, however, try to cut the caffeine down to one cup a day and no sooner than 1.5 hours after waking up. But like I said earlier, crash changes are not sustainable or successful. So we planned some approaches around how to stick to and get the most out of these experiments.

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The Memory of Our Failures
Culture, Lifestyle Richard Bakare Culture, Lifestyle Richard Bakare

The Memory of Our Failures

One would hope that on the 75th Anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz, and a week before the start of Black History Month meant to honor the legacy of a people who built a nation under chains and whips; that we would have learned from history.

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Event Driven Design
Minimalism, Technology Richard Bakare Minimalism, Technology Richard Bakare

Event Driven Design

Just applying technology to a problem is not a Silver Bullet towards a solution. Complexity is bound to arise. Essential Complexity is a requirement that, without it, the complete picture cannot be seen. Accidental Complexity happens when we introduce concepts that do not serve the overall design. Therefore, it is imperative to justify the complexity, by demonstrating where it fits into the big picture and how it helps accomplish the larger vision.

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