A Meaningful Delta
I was once invited to attend a meeting to plan a meeting to schedule meetings. This was a real request from a Deloitte consultant to me while on a project in New York. I declined that invite and every single other meeting invite he sent. I wish I could say that was the last wasteful meeting invite I ever received but anyone who has worked in corporate America knows, meetings, whether meaningful or not, are all too common. They are death by a thousand paper cuts.

Never Forget
Never forget the nearly 200,000 plus lives lost because of an incompetent, greedy, and hateful administration that was elected and allowed to run unchecked. Remember daily the names of all those slain under bigotry. Breonna, George, Ahmaud, and too many others; our collective soul fracturing with every loss. Consider how justice goes unserved in the face of all the compelling evidence.

The Five Hundred - Untitled
I am sharing a piece I wrote for The Five Hundred for my latest blog post. A monthly writing Prompt group. If you have not tried it before, check out The Five Hundred and submit an entry of your own. This is the first piece of creative writing I have attempted since just after college. I hope you enjoy.

The Aggregation of Marginal Gains
In 2010 Dave Brailsford took over as the General Manager and Performance Director for Team Sky (Great Britain's professional cycling team). To take the team to new heights, Brailsford introduced the team to a concept that he referred to as the "aggregation of marginal gains." The concept can be summed up as improving every facet of training by 1 percent so that collectively those marginal gains could equate to a larger performance improvement overall. At the 2012 Olympic Games the team dominated the competition by winning 70 percent of the gold medals available.

Discussing Minimalism with Kristen Hester
I got a chance to interview with Squat Wisely and discuss the topics of #Minimalism and how it relates to my blog post on Commuting in Atlanta without a car. Check it out if you're interested. Starts around the 6:10 mark.