Vancouver - A Travel Guide
Vancouver is hands down one of the most beautiful and well planned cities I have ever been to. It has a pedestrian and bike first design. In fact I would say it is the most accessible city I have been to for anyone needing wheelchair or similar access. I can't imagine staying indoors in such a thoughtful city. While out, you can visit many of the seaside sights, catch a boat race, sail, fly in a seaplane, or head to the mountains for hiking and snow sports. I am surprised not more people know about and visit Vancouver. It's geographic position, probably has a lot to do with it.

Intentionally Buying a Bigger Home
An unfocused, noisy, and cluttered home can be physical representations of what is going on in your head. Even if functionally productive, under the hood, the mind may be in complete chaos and the immediate surroundings often reflect that.Over the years, I’ve worked on clearing and focusing my mind. My interests and passions have narrowed but those that remain are stronger. Minimalism has been key in that process and helped define a vision for how I would like the home I live in to breathe and feel. Sparsely decorated rooms and surfaces have become canvasses where my ideas can grow and evolve within them.

Hacking Your Way to No Car in Atlanta
For this follow up post, I am sharing some ideas for getting to the same state that we are in. Or even down to just one car in a multi-person household. First off, there is no perfectly balanced equation for everyone. You will have to adjust the levers of what you are willing to pay on housing and other items in order to make living in Atlanta without a car workable. I sincerely hope these ideas help a lot of people get out of their cars. Atlanta's traffic situation is getting progressively worse. The downstream impacts of that congestion have not even fully materialized.

The Five Hundred - Untitled
I am sharing a piece I wrote for The Five Hundred for my latest blog post. A monthly writing Prompt group. If you have not tried it before, check out The Five Hundred and submit an entry of your own. This is the first piece of creative writing I have attempted since just after college. I hope you enjoy.

Everyone Should Nudge More
As part of my simplifying down I've started reading just one book a month. I used to try and read as many as possible but that gave me no time to reflect and review what I read. The first book for 2018 was a carry over from 2017. Nudge, by Nobel Prize winners, Thaler and Sunstein. I discovered this book while listening to the Freakonomics Podcast. I loved it from page one. They describe their approach as "Libertarian Paternalism" and as a real "Third Way" option in our increasingly divided political landscape.

Becoming Minimalist
Minimalism represents time and balance for me. The time to do and experience all the things I want. Along with finding the discipline to not let what other people define as import dominate my time. For me, that means cutting out the "noise" of life more than getting rid of things. It requires being ok with earning less, having less, but definitely experiencing more.

The Aggregation of Marginal Gains
In 2010 Dave Brailsford took over as the General Manager and Performance Director for Team Sky (Great Britain's professional cycling team). To take the team to new heights, Brailsford introduced the team to a concept that he referred to as the "aggregation of marginal gains." The concept can be summed up as improving every facet of training by 1 percent so that collectively those marginal gains could equate to a larger performance improvement overall. At the 2012 Olympic Games the team dominated the competition by winning 70 percent of the gold medals available.

Your Friends List & Dunbar’s Number
Dunbar's number is a suggested cognitive limit to the number of people (150) with whom one can maintain stable social relationships—relationships in which an individual knows who each person is and how each person relates to every other person.

Discussing Minimalism with Kristen Hester
I got a chance to interview with Squat Wisely and discuss the topics of #Minimalism and how it relates to my blog post on Commuting in Atlanta without a car. Check it out if you're interested. Starts around the 6:10 mark.